Tie dye has become quite popular again during this pandemic and I thought it would be so fun to try it our ourselves. I particularly love Shibori Indigo tie dye so we started there. It was so fun to test out different ways of folding fabric and seeing what pattern it made. With indigo dye the color bath is green and once you remove the fabric from the dye bath, the oxygen turns it blue. The kids loved this part! We dyed some pajamas, muslin baby blankets, baby onesies and a ring sling. We used an Indigo dye kit to make it easy.
The kit contains:
Pre-reduced Indigo dye
Reducing agent
Wood pieces
Rubber bands
Quick-start instructions
An in-depth instruction booklet with dye patterns and a historical and cultural overview
Here's what you need:
large bucket (that is ok getting stained)
Indigo dye kit (we used this one)
fabric items to dye (linen and cotton work best)
We followed the directions in the dye kit booklet and watched some YouTube videos on the Shibori method first. I highly suggest making this an outdoor activity!
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