Educator Placement With the implementation of remote learning education for the 2020/2021 school year across most school districts in the Greater Seattle Area, many families are seeking assistance from an educator to help support their child's learning. Are you looking for a homeschool teacher, preschool teacher, remote education teacher, POD teacher or tutor? West Coast Nannies is pleased to offer educator placement services for your household's needs. Registration fee: $300 Educator placement fee: 9% of educator's gross annual earnings Included in placement fee:
Initial consultation with placement director, Nicola
Personalized job description
Posting of job ad on numerous networks, WCN website and relevant social media sites
Recruitment of candidates
Interview & pre-screening of candidates
Complete background screening for your chosen candidate
All necessary documents & contracts (formal job offer, work agreement, medical/dental release, waiver to transport, emergency information form, waiver to administer medication, non-disclosure agreement, and cell phone/social media policy)
Agency completes the job offer and work agreement for you
On-going support
Ready to get going? p: 253.245.8538 e: nicola@wcnannies.com